Question Regarding How To Find Scenes Groups To Join

Hey there,

Long time lurker for various scene art stuff, and I was wondering, how does one go about finding a scene group to join to do Amiga scene art with?

I ask because I’ve been inspired by ProwlerGFX to do more digital art, and am wondering if there are any groups to get advice on how to do it with GrafX2.

I know there’s more Deluxe Paint tutorials I haven’t seen though for reference on YouTube, but would want to know if anyone could point me in the right direction as I’m looking to do oil painting type scenes, more like illustration but with Grafx2.


If you try searing ‘amiga’ in facebook groups, you’ll probably find a few. Amiga has a pretty strong following so I think you’ll find what your looking for.

Im currently searching people to create a new group, the twist is you must be born after 2000 and you must want to be apart of a new generation of textmode artist

Well I was born after 2000 but I’m already part of Mistigris. Let me know if your project gets off the ground.

I was born after 2000 and have been making ASCII art for a bit now

Please let me know if there are any prerequisits to my joining as I am interested in this group you are creating

drun, if it helps for tradition to point the way, you might want to circulate a call for submissions with an application form such as groups sometimes included in the old days, as at 1993/fsh-1293/FSH-APP.TXT , including some specific details about what you are and aren’t looking for (textmode art great, how about music? need any programmers? webmasters?) and how best to reach you – like an e-mail address or a Discord clubhouse.

(Then once you do get one programmer on board, your first project can be an application generator, eg. 1996/acdu0496/ACIDAPP.EXE … but that’s a “just for fun” suggestion, I don’t think anyone has seriously made one of those in literally decades now.)

If you have any questions about getting a group started, please don’t hesitate to ask!

Well it was just something in my mind but I see that some of you are interested, im still a bit new to the scene but im sure that a group can help me improve.

The only requirements are that you must like to do textmode art (or at least pixel art… maybe… but keep in mind that this is not the objective), you must be born after 2000 (be a millenial), you have to know that by joining the group you accept that we aren’t all really good at creating awesome artworks so you have to help each other. (im still a beginner too)
You also have to keep in mind that we are creating a new generation of textmode artists (this is the whole point of restricting by birth date), we never really experienced BBS when it was active, but we don’t want this art to die. There is no rule or code of conduct, just the fun. Sharing our work to make people discover the whole textmode scene is one of our goals.

This is actually awesome, do you know how we can do that, but out of any sort of DOS-Box, on our modern machines ?

My question is, can I contact you at anytime in PM, you are a connoisseur am I right ? Your help would be welcome.

… Yeah, @drun, can you please make a second thread and not piggyback off of mine?

As a millennial, I find your age requirement to be cringey, so you can use your own thread for recruiting as I was looking for cool Amiga themed demoscene groups, not Zoomers looking to lock out people for some weird reason.

I think your idea has some merit and have been bemoaning the lack of inroads into our little club for new/young/inexperienced textmode artists. Happy to help with your initiative though I don’t meet the membership criteria. To avoid accusations of ‘isms’ you may want to reconsider those criteria to be more based upon outlook or ideals, or ‘being new to ansi/textmode art’ rather than a specific hard age limit…

Best place to reach most of us for a lengthier chat is on the 16c discord server #16c channel, and other tangentally related discord servers such as the Mistigris discord server – discord seems to be the comms platform of choice these days…

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The app gen isn’t awesome by accident, it was designed to make people excited about applying to ACiD and hope they were good enough to be as awesome as the program was. Do I know how you can do it? You’re going to need a programmer. (You can go the DOSbox route, but if you’re trying to make a clean break from the BBS-fetishizing past, you might want to target Windows or the web browser as the environment for it.)

Feel free to drop me a line at, I’m happy to talk artpacks but with the caveat that any advice you take from me is very likely to further drive a wedge between you and the rest of the old farts here (there’s a name for your crew: young farts. Green flatus!), I was straying beyond the acceptable confines of the artpack medium back in BBS days. Ask anyone here and they will tell you, I will lead you astray.

I think some feelings have been hurt by your proposed age exclusion (from members of the generation that used elite as a compliment!) but I say more power to you, someone needs to lead textmode art into the world of the tiktok dance and it’s not going to be the class of '94 doing it!

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Im far from trying to piggybank your thread. As I said it was just something in my mind and I wasn’t sure if people would be interested.

There is just so much gatekeeping in some sphere of this community, its really annoying and unatractive for newcomers.

I’ll ask everyone gently on this sub to stop talking about me wanting to create a group, I’ll create a whole thread or ask people on discord

I’m from 2004 :​)

Also I thought this was about how to join a group, not about making a new group…