Searching for Artist for Hire

Greetings… I have known about your site for quite some time. I recently purchased an Ultimate64 (modem commodore 64 with network, hdmi, flash storage etc)… so I first came here looking for an artist who did petcii art - but it looks like most folks here to ascii/ansii - which is fine as well.

Thre is a board out thre called DataNet that has basically the EXACT kind of style i am looking for for each screen - though I would like mind a little more dark/evil (not in the literate way though)/hackerish feeling…

I am a professional adult, I am more than willing to pay someone for start, middle, and final composition of each screen I would hare you to build for me. I may also be seeing a few things like a “brand logo” if you do that type of art too… I will be watching replies here nad hopefully we can get something going. Pleae posted this to others who you know are/were into scene ansi/ascii bbs art…


Hi, I do commissions. Kasslerborr at :slight_smile: