The IRC-style quiz Textmode Trivia that was held last Jnauary was a great success and we would like to do it again. To do a new quiz, a bunch of fresh questions would be needed. Feel free to add them to the database at
Note that a question may have multiple answers which can be used to accomodate answers with multiple spellings. Spaces and letter case are ignored when checking answers.
It’s also possible to provide an image along with the question, in this case a URL to the image is required. We recommend using to paste/crop images with hosting on imgur. The link supplied should be to the actual JPG or PNG.
As I noticed renewed interest in a new version of the “Textmode Trivia” IRC quiz, we should be finding a new date. But it would be more interesting if we could feed the database with newer, fun, silly or just very interesting questions. Feel free to feed the database here: Trivia database
Also since Discord and FB Messenger didn’t play well together for this quiz, we would revert to a seperate IRC channel for a next edition, keeping the noise away from the bridged channel. It’s noteworthy that there exists an IRC client which features image previews when links to images are posted which gives the advantage of not having to click the link when a question pops, You can get it here: